Felhasználó GYIK

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P2 Kerékpárdokk

Thanks to the universal design, most adult sized urban bicycles will fit in the P2 docks. On certain mountain bikes with quite long rear shock absorbers, the first (the one closest to you) locking rod might be hard to pass through – but it is always worth a try.

Smaller frames such as BMXs and kid-sized bicycles might only utilize one locking rod – meaning that a custom placement strategy must be applied at the P2 docks.

Electric bicycles with thicker than usual frames are more than welcomed to park! Cargo, recumbent and other odd shaped bicycles might not fit at all. Please don’t force a placement as it might damage the docks and more importantly – your bike.

It’s simple. Just hold your bicycle with your right hand while you manually open the gate by its handle with your left hand.

Then, when it’s fully open, roll your bike in between the gate and the box in a way that the yellow locking rods can pass through the spokes of the front wheel and the frame.

It is important that the locking rod further from your position should be behind your bike’s front suspension/fork but still within the front wheel’s circumference.

Don’t worry! We kindly ask you to lift your front wheel up from the concrete base of the P2 dock and place the wide part of the front suspension/fork over the yellow locking rod so that it can pass through the spokes.

You may try but we advise you against it. The P2 dock was designed to host bicycles in a way that it locks the front wheel – for the simple reason that it is usually easier to steal.

Parking backwards means the opposite: you place your bicycle rear-wheel first in the rack. You might be able to close the gate on your ride but remember that it is against our Terms of Service and we cannot guarantee the safety and integrity of your bicycle.

You should put your eBike charger in the yellow compartment with a hinged door at the top of the bigger yellow box before you close the gate.

This is very important as it is the gate that also closes the charger holder box’s door. You can see two openings at the bottom of the charger holder box’s door.

Use these to route your mains cable and DC charger cable through. Once done with that, close the charger holder box’s door completely, place your bike and close the gate on it.

This secures both your bike and your charger. Now you can plug in your charger’s mains cable to the blue socket underneath the box and the DC cable to your bike’s battery.

S1 Rollerdokk

Az univerzális kialakításnak köszönhetően a legtöbb roller illeszkedik az S1 dokkba.
Az olyan szokatlan kormányoszlopú rollerek, mint a Segway Ninebot Air T15, lehet, hogy nem férnek el, de mindenképp érdemes kipróbálni.

It’s simple. Just hold your kickscooter in your hand while you manually open the gate – the vertical part in front of the semicircular opening – eith your other hand.

Then, when it’s fully open, roll your kickscooter forward in the semicircular area so that it encompasses the steering column.

If you wish to place your charger, you have to do it before you close back the gate – see instructions below. If you don’t use charging, simply close the gate on your kickscooter when the parking process prompts so.

If any object obstructs the placement of the steering column or the closing of the gate then try to temporarily remove it and perhaps place it lower on the steering column.

Common objects include pouches that have velcro straps so they can be easily moved out of the way to aid parking.

You may try but we advise you against it as it is highly unpractical and there might not even be enough space behind the station anyways.

Each dock has its own charger holder compartment. It is the small box at the bottom of the body of the station with a blue charging outlet.

By default it hangs down on a hinge. plug in your charger into the blue outlet then place the charger and the rest of the cable inside the compartment. Thread the charging cable through the opening on the compartment.

Then, as the parking procedure prompts you to close the gate on your ride, first, fold up the charger holder compartment all the way and hold it like that while you close the locking element on your kickscooter
As the parking session concludes, the charging holder compartment will fold down automatically.

G6 Kerékpár Garázs

Ez a BLOCK termék nem nyílt hozzáférésű, ami azt jelenti, hogy a helyi önkormányzattal vagy lakóközösséggel kell konzultálnia a hozzáférés igényléséhez.

A kulcsokat vagy belépőkártyákat általában 1 éves szerződéssel együtt osztják ki egy jelképes összegért.

Mire megkapja a hozzáférést, már tudni fogja, hogyan parkolhat a G6 garázsában, mert a szerződésben részletesen le van írva.

Ha - valamilyen oknál fogva - nem így van, kérjük, olvassa el a helyszínen, a garázskapun vagy az egyik oldalsó panelen elhelyezett használati útmutatót.

Igen, ez kötelező. A G6 garázs egy közös parkolási lehetőség, ami azt jelenti, hogy a garázsba az ismert belépési joggal rendelkező személyek léphetnek be.

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